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Credit: wokandapix

Milestone 5: Proposal Revision

Gregory L. Nelson (based on material made with Benjamin Xie)

Now that you have gotten feedback from your peers and instructors, it's time to revise your proposal! The goal of this milestone is for you to practice incorporating feedback as you think more clearly about your project. This iteration on your proposal will help ensure you will execute your project effectively.

For this assignment, you will review feedback, decide what feedback is useful to you, and then do two things:

Step 1: Review and evaluate feedback

Review the feedback that you have received from peers and instructors as GitHub issues. Ensure you understand what each piece of feedback is saying.

TODO: Create a new page in your wiki titled "Proposal Revision Process" and synthesize all the feedback you received. Try to capture and draw connections across all of the feedback you received, even if you don't initially believe that you will find the feedback useful.

Step 2: Decide how to intergrate feedback

Now that you understand your feedback, you must now understand what to do with it. Although your peers and instructors provided feedback with your best intentions in mind, the feedback may not be useful to you. Discuss and justify what feedback you will incorporate and what feedback you will ignore.

TODO: In your "Proposal Revision Process" wiki page, explain your justification for including or excluding the feedback you have received.

Step 3: Update your proposal

Now that you know what feedback to include, it's time to make the changes! When revising your proposal, think about how to better communicate that your project is feasible given the time frame, has the rigor to reflect concepts learned in class, and has the novelty to contribute new information to inform a decision.

Note that revisions to your project proposal do not necessarily need to come from the feedback your peers and instructors gave you. You may have gotten new ideas from reading others' proposals or from thinking about the project for longer. That's ok! We want to end with a project proposal that guide your group through the project.

TODO: Make a copy of your original proposal before editing it. Keep it in your team Google Drive.

TODO: Create a new page in your wiki titled "Revised Project Proposal" (or something equivalent) and link to your spreadsheet on that wiki page, along with a link to your current data science diagram (if you have multiple, include those as well). Also include a link to your previous project proposal.

Section 4: Planning and Logistics

Remember that almost anything will turn out to be harder and more time-consuming than you expect. Try to arrange your project so that there are intermediate milestones that can serve as alternative finishing points, in case you don't get to the end. It will be much better to turn in a polished version of a small-scale project than to find yourself at the end of the term with a three-quarters implemented system of great depth and scope.

TODO: Make a plan with milestones to finish your project, setting roles and responsibilities for each person on your team for your remaining tasks. Include this plan at the end of your "Revised Project Proposal" wiki page.

TODO: Describe your project's planned approach to modeling. Include this plan at the end of your "Revised Project Proposal" wiki page.

Grading Criteria

This assignment is out of 3 points (with an option of 1 extra credit point) and you will submit it by making changes to you team GitHub repository's wiki:

Your shared GitHub space will be graded on the following scale: